The Blaschka Marine Invertebrate Collection at Cornell University
Species catalog
Notes: This list was compiled c.1960s early 1970s when many of the Blaschka marine invertebrate glass
models were transferred from Cornell to The Corning Museum of Glass on temporary loan. We had it typed into
a data base and proofed once, but the copy used was a poor quality mimeographed document, so some
errors are possible. The column "degree of certainty" indicates the characters the typist had special
problems reading. The list # is our assigned number, the Catalog # comes from the original document.
One way to play with this list is to copy a species name and then input it into Google and look it up.
For example, inputting list # 562, Physalia caravella, led us to
It should, however, be remembered that many of these species names are nineteenth century ones, and may have changed since the
Blaschkas knew them.
List # | Latin Name P. 1 | Latin Name P. 2 | Reference | Cat. # | Deg. of Certainty | Var. |
1 | Tubularia | bellis | Allman | 192 (1&2) | OK | |
2 | Doriopsis | genmacea | Alder & Hancock | 399 | cea | |
3 | Pterotrachea | scutata | Gegenbaur | 548 | OK | |
4 | Lafoea | calcorata | A. Agassiz | 157 | ssi | |
5 | Cymbulia | Peronti | Cuv. | 356 | ti | |
6 | Obelia | dichotoma | L. | 167 | OK | |
7 | Holothuria | inmobilis | Semper | 272 | nmo | |
8 | Synapta | roculata | Chamisso | 287 | roc | |
9 | Doris | nubilosa | Pease | 421 | OK | |
10 | Comatula | mediterranea | Lamarck | 250 | OK | |
11 | Sagartia | fuegienais | Couthouy | 90 | ena | |
12 | Sagartia | parasitica | Gosse | 98 | iea / G | |
13 | Sagartia | bellis | Gosse | 88 | ena | v. tyriensis |
14 | Veretillum | cynomorium | Pallas | 17 | OK | |
15 | Stomphia | Churchiae | Gosse | 108 | OK | |
16 | Clionopsis | Krohnil | Troschel | 354 | sch | |
17 | Bunodes | Hallu | Cocks | 43 | v. rosea | |
18 | Syphonota | viridescens | Pease | 501 | sce | |
19 | Holothuria | maculata | Kuhl & Hasselt | 273 | OK | |
20 | Synapta | glabra | Semper | 284 | bra | |
21 | Histioteuthis | Bonelliana | Férussae | 556 | ssae | |
22 | Tremoctopus | violaceus | D. Chiaje | 597 | emoc/ceu/je | |
23 | Argonauta | Argo | L. | 549 | OK | |
24 | Tremoctopus | Velifer | Férussae | 596 | emoc | |
25 | Octopus | vulgaris | Lamarck | 577 | mar | |
26 | Eledone | moschatus | Leach | 553 | sch | |
27 | Lucernaria | camponulata | Lamouroux | 127 | OK | |
28 | Dendronotus | Arborescens | Mr. | 395 | cea | v. carneus |
29 | Thyone | peruana | Lesson | 292 | OK | |
30 | Cratena | longibursa | Bergh | 392 | OK | |
31 | Philonexis | catenulatus | Férussac | 585 | OK | |
32 | Loligopsis | Veranii | Férussac | 564 | OK | |
33 | Octopus | Koellikeril | Verany | 571 | OK | |
34 | Rossia | macrosoma | D. Chiaje | 588 | OK | |
35 | Octopus | Cocco | Verang | 568 | OK | |
36 | Enoploteuthis | Veranii | Rüppell | 555 | OK | |
37 | Octopus | De Filippii | D. Chiaje | 569 | OK | |
38 | Histioteuthis | Rupelii | Verany | 557 | OK | |
39 | Onmastrephos | acquipodus | Rüppell | 580 | os | |
40 | Onychoteuthis | Lichtensteini | Férussac | 583 | OK | |
41 | Octopus | tetrocirrhus | 575 | v. Verany | ||
42 | Loligo | Bianconii | Verany | 561 | OK | |
43 | Eledone | Genei | Verany | 552 | G | |
44 | Loligo | Berthelotii | Verany | 560 | OK | |
45 | Loligo | Meneghini | Verany | 562 | OK | |
46 | Octopus | Salutii | Verany | 573 | OK | |
47 | Onychia | platyptera | D'Orbigny | 582 | OK | |
48 | Octopus | tuberculatus | Blainville | 576 | OK | |
49 | Onmastrephes | todarus | D. Chiaje | 579 | OK | |
50 | Philonexis | Carenac | Verany | 586 | OK | |
51 | Octopus | Alderii | Verany | 567 | OK | |
52 | Loligo | Alessandrini | Verany | 559 | OK | |
53 | Saccanthus | purpurascens | M. Edwards | 87 | OK | |
54 | Ulactis | muscosa | Drayton | 116 | OK | |
55 | Sagartia | bellis | Schmarda | 89 | v. punctata | |
56 | Actinolaba | reticulata | Couthouy | 31 | OK | |
57 | Astroidee | calycularis | Pallas | 119 | OK | |
58 | Hormathia | margaritas | Gosse | 65 | OK | |
59 | Peschia | triphylla | Gosse | 74 | eac | |
60 | Bunodes | cruentata | Couthory | 46 | OK | |
61 | Actinoloba | Dianthus | Gosse | 28 | v. brunnea | |
62 | Bunodes | genmocea | Gosse | 48 | nm | |
63 | Actinia | concentrica | Risso | 21 | OK | |
64 | Unidentified | |||||
65 | Bolocera | Eques. | Gosse | 41 | OK | |
66 | Heterodactgla | Hemprichi | Ehrenberg | 64 | OK | |
67 | Tealia | pluvia | Drayton | 114 | OK | |
68 | Tealia | crasaicornis | Gosse | 110 | v.meloides | |
69 | Corynactis | clavigera | Drayton | 55 | OK | |
70 | Rhodactis | rhodostoma | Ehrenberg | 86 | OK | |
71 | Bunodes | crispa | Ehrenberg | 45 | OK | |
72 | Notocirrus | Hilairii | Claparede | 338 | OK | |
73 | Doris | Denisoni | Angas | 411 | OK | |
74 | Arion | albus | O. F. Müller | 509 | Mu | |
75 | Sepiola | Rondeletii | D. Chiaje | 592 | OK | |
76 | Philomycus | bilineatus | Bens | 538 | OK | |
77 | Doris | rubrilimcata | Pease | 427 | OK | |
78 | Facelina | coronata | Forbes | 441 | ||
79 | Limax | alpinus | Férussac | 528 | OK | |
80 | Limax | variegatus | Draparnaud | 535 | OK | |
81 | Eurylepta | miniata | Schmarda | 300 | OK | |
82 | Sepioteuthis | sicula | Rüppell | 593 | OK | |
83 | Pontolimax | capitatus | O.F. Müller | 474 | Mu | |
84 | Planaria | torva | Mr. | 309 | OK | |
85 | Doris | diademata | Agassiz | 412 | OK | |
86 | Doris | compta | Pease | 408 | OK | |
87 | Edwardsia | callimopha | Gosse | 58 | OK | |
88 | Scyllaca | marmorata | Alder & Hancock | 478 | OK | |
89 | Onychotenthis | Krohnii | Verany | 584 | nil | |
90 | Pista | cristata | O.F. Müller | 341 | MU | |
91 | Doriopais | atromaculata | Alder & Hancock | ü | OK | |
92 | Doryphella | Bostnoiensis | Couthouy | 390 | OK | |
93 | Pterotrachea | mutica | Lesueur | 547 | hea | |
94 | Bornella | Hermanni | Angas | 376 | OK | |
95 | Syphonota | punctata | Pease | 500 | OK | |
96 | Doris | pardalis | Alder & Hancock | 424 | OK | |
97 | Doris | variabilis | Angas | 429 | OK | |
98 | Embletonia | pallida | Alder & Hancock | 436 | OK | |
99 | Ercolania | Uziellii | Trinchese | 440 | OK | |
100 | Lacmedea | amphora | Agassiz | 159 | OK | |
101 | Doris | bilamellata | L. | 406 | OK | |
102 | Carinaria | mediterranea | Lamarek | 546 | OK | |
103 | Doris | pilosa | Abildguard | 425 | OK | |
104 | Sepia | bisserialis | Montf. | 591 | OK | |
105 | Bonellia | viridis | Rolando | 324 | OK | |
106 | Helix | pomatia | L. | 526 | OK | |
134 | Bornella | arborescens | Pease | 374 | OK | |
135 | Stichopodes | monocaria | Lesson | 281 | OK | |
136 | Halcampa | chrysanthellum | Gosse | 63 | OK | |
137 | Peachia | bastata | Gosse | 73 | OK | |
138 | Boriasia | trilineata | Schmarda | 295 | OK | |
139 | Priapulus | caudatus | O. F. Müller | 326 | Mu | |
140 | Siphonostoma | diplochaitos | Otto | 344 | OK | |
141 | Trophonia | plumosa | O.F. Müller | 351 | Mu | |
142 | Lepteplana | gigas | Schmarda | 302 | Le | |
143 | Proceros | clavicornis | Schmarda | 312 | OK | |
144 | Colochirus | quadrangularia | Dessan | 266 | san | |
145 | Synopta | fasciata | Nuhl & Hasselt | 283 | OK | |
146 | Eudentrium | ramosum | L. | 151 | OK | |
147 | Holothuria | edulis | Lesson | 271 | OK | |
148 | Limax | agrestis | L. | 527 | OK | |
149 | Nereis | margaritacea | Leach | 337 | OK | |
150 | Planorbis | corneus | L. | 507 | OK | |
151 | Eurylepta | rubrocincta | Schmarda | 298 | OK | |
152 | Eurylepta | superba | Schmarda | 299 | OK | |
153 | Synopta | verrucosa | Eschscholz | 290 | OK | |
154 | Unidentified | |||||
155 | cucumaria | Hyndmannii | Thompson | 267 | OK | |
156 | Helix | hortensis | O.F. Müller | 521 | Mu | |
157 | Phyllophorus | urna. | Grube | 276 | OK | |
158 | Pleurobranchus | grandis | Pease | 496 | OK | |
159 | cucumaria | Tergestina | Sars | 268 | OK | |
160 | Meckelia | macrorrhochma | Schmarda | 306 | OK | |
161 | Doris | Elliotii | Alder & Hancock | 413 | OK | |
162 | Fecelina | Drummondii | Thompson | 442 | OK | |
163 | Ercolania | Pancerii | Trinchese | 438 | OK | |
164 | Polycera | quadrilineata | M. | 473 | OK | |
165 | Spirographis | Spellanzanii | Viviani | 345 | OK | |
166 | Acolis | despecta | Johnston | 363 | OK | |
167 | Goniobranchus | albomaculatus | Pease | 451 | OK | |
168 | Trevelyana | cristata | Bergh | 483 | OK | |
169 | Thyonidium | pellucidum | Fleming | 294 | OK | |
170 | Thysanozoon | discoideum | Schmarda | 320 | OK | |
171 | Pleurophyllidia | Semperii | Bergh | 499 | OK | |
172 | Phaseolosoma | vulgare | Dies | 325 | OK | |
173 | Proceros | viridis | Schmarda | 315 | OK | |
174 | Acolis | Fouliai | Angas | 366 | iai | |
175 | Clepsine | marginata | O.F. Müller | 328 | Mu | |
176 | Terebella | Emmalini | Quatrefages | 350 | OK | |
177 | Anapta | gracilis | Semper | 262 | OK | |
178 | Doriopsis | tuberculosa | Quoy & Gaymored | 403 | OK | |
179 | Stylochus | dictyotus | Schmarda | 316 | OK | |
180 | Clepsine | sanguinea | De-Filippi | 329 | OK | |
181 | Synopta | inhaerens | O.F. Müller | 285 | Mu | |
182 | Doris | pallida | Agassiz | 422 | OK | |
183 | Dolabrifera | tahitensis | Pease | 492 | OK | |
184 | Doris | funebris | Kelaart | 417 | OK | |
185 | Polycelis | microsora | Schmarda | 310 | OK | |
186 | Chirodota | rigida | Semper | 263 | OK | |
187 | Pontobdella | (vittata) | Chamisso | 330 | OK | |
188 | Leptomplana | otifera | Schmarda | 305 | OK | |
189 | Eurylepta | auriculata | O.F. Müller | 301 | Mu | |
190 | Bulimus | montanus | Draparnaud | 516 | OK | |
191 | Unidentified | |||||
192 | Hilix | Iapicida | L. | 523 | OK | |
193 | Succinca | amphibia | Draparnaud | 540 | OK | |
194 | Piacebranchus | argus | Bergh | 468 | OK | |
195 | Tetracelis | marmorata | O.F. Müller | 318 | Mu | |
196 | Clepaine | bioculata | Bergm | 327 | OK | |
197 | Snapta | lumbricoides | Eschscholz | 286 | OK | |
198 | Placobranchus | variegatus | Pease | 470 | OK | |
199 | Placobranchus | gracilis | Pease | 469 | OK | |
200 | Kentrodoris | rubescens | Bergh | 458 | OK | |
201 | Lobiger | picta | Pease | 493 | OK | |
202 | Aplysia | Inca | D'Orbigny | 489 | OK | |
203 | Thyone | fusus | O.F. Müller | 291 | Mu | |
204 | chirodota | purpurea | Lesson | 265 | OK | |
205 | Alderia | Harvardiensis | Agassiz | 371 | OK | |
206 | Thyone | raphanus | Duben & Koren | 293 | OK | |
207 | Lophocerens | viridis | Pease | 494 | OK | |
208 | Acolis | rutibranchialis | Johnston | 370 | OK | |
209 | Stiliger | Mariae | Meyer & Mobius | 480 | OK | |
210 | Acolis | militaris | Alder & Hancock | 368 | OK | |
211 | Acolis | alba | Alder & Hancock | 362 | OK | |
212 | Doriopsis | scabra | Pease | 402 | OK | |
213 | Leptomplana | purpurea | Schmarda | 304 | OK | |
214 | Doris | concinna | Alder & Hancock | 409 | OK | |
215 | Doris | nodulosa | Angas | 420 | OK | |
216 | Doris | bilamellata | Agassiz | 407 | v. coronata | |
217 | Loligo | vulgaris | Lamarck | 558 | rck | |
218 | Ommastrephes | sagittatus | Lamarck | 578 | OK | |
219 | Sporadipus | impatiens(Forek) | Semper | 279 | OK | |
220 | Plocamophorus | imperialis | Angas | 467 | OK | |
221 | Ercolania | Siottii | Trinohese | 439 | OK | |
222 | Melibe | fimbriata | Alder & Hancock | 460 | OK | |
223 | Aplysia | Ieporina | L. | 490 | OK | |
224 | Goniodoris | citrina | Alder & Hancock | 452 | OK | |
225 | Goniodoris | crinaccus | Grosse | 459 | OK | |
226 | Sporadipus | tremula | Gunn | 280 | OK | |
227 | Doris | flammea | Alder & Hancock | 414 | OK | |
228 | Holothuria | atra | Jaeger | 269 | OK | |
229 | Synapta | Beselii | Jaeger | 262 | OK | |
230 | Salpa | cordiformis-monaria | chamisso | 625 | monar-add-a | |
231 | Pleurobranchus | ovalis | Pease | 497 | OK | |
232 | Doris | pantherina | Angas | 423 | OK | |
233 | Unidentified | |||||
234 | Botryllus | Schlosseri | Savigny | 603 | OK | |
235 | Botryllus | bivittatus | M. Edwards | 601 | OK | |
236 | Botryllus | gemmeus | M. Edwards | 602 | mm | |
237 | Boltenia | Burkhardti | Agassiz | 607 | OK | |
238 | Botryllus | smaragdus | M. Edwards | 604 | OK | |
239 | Salpa | ferruginea | Chammiso | 630 | OK | |
240 | appendicularia | flagellum | Chamisso | 599 | OK | |
241 | Salpa | runeinata-Zusiform | Chamisso | 629 | form-add-is | |
242 | Boltenia | clavata | Stimpson | 608 | OK | |
243 | Salpa | pinnata | Forsk | 627 | OK | |
269 | Anthelia | glauca | Savigny | 4 | OK | |
270 | Aurellania | heterocera | Gosse | 40 | OK | |
271 | Phellia | Brodricii | Gosse | 76 | OK | |
272 | Idyia | roseola | Agassiz | 245 | OK | |
273 | Sagartia | viduata | O.F. Müller | 106 | Mu/Gosse | |
274 | Chromodoris | varians | Pease | 387 | OK | |
275 | Tubypora | Hemprichi | Ehrenberg | 16 | OK | |
276 | Xenia | embelata | Savigny | 19 | OK | |
277 | Aleyoniim | stellatum | Milne Edwards | 3 | OK | |
278 | Thalassianthus | aster | F.S. Lauckart | 115 | OK | |
279 | Testacella | haliotidea | Cuv | 541 | OK | |
280 | Helix | namoralis | L. | 524 | OK | |
281 | Bulimus | detritus | O.F. Müller | 515 | Mu | |
282 | Arion | empiricorum | For. | 510 | v. ater | |
283 | Loligopsis | Zygaena | Verany | 566 | OK | |
284 | Flabellina | janthina | Angas | 443 | OK | |
285 | Chromodoris | Loringi | Angas | 384 | OK | |
286 | Cyclostona | elegans | Draparnaud | 502 | OK | |
287 | Melibe | australis | Angas | 461 | OK | |
288 | claustilia | bidens | Draparnaud | 517 | OK | |
289 | Pterogasteron | marginata | Pease | 475 | OK | |
290 | Doriopsis | nigra | Stimpson | 400 | OK | |
291 | Tethys | leporina | L. | 482 | OK | |
292 | Unidentified | |||||
293 | Perigonimus | vestitus | Allman | 172 | OK | |
294 | Spongodes | celosia | Lesson | 13 | OK | |
295 | Pneumodermon | violaccum | D.'Obigny | 358 | OK | |
296 | Clausilia | similis | Charp | 518 | OK | |
297 | Embletonia | fuseata | Gould | 435 | OK | |
298 | Flabellina | ornata | Angas | 445 | OK | |
299 | Stiliger | fuscatus | Gould | 479 | OK | |
300 | Clionopsis | flavescens | Gegonbaur | 355 | gon | |
301 | Flabellina | Newcombi | Angas | 444 | OK | |
302 | Centrostomum | polycyclium | Schmarda | 297 | OK | |
303 | Philomycus | carolinensis | Binney | 539 | OK | |
304 | Aeolis | papellosa | L. | 369 | OK | |
305 | Phyllochaetopt | major | Claparéde | 340 | pt-add-orus | |
306 | Hydroides | norvegica | Gunn | 336 | OK | |
307 | Polycera | ocellata | Alder & Hancock | 472 | OK | |
308 | Bunodes | Ballii | Cocks | 44 | v. dealbata | |
309 | Sagartia | nivea | Gosse | 96 | OK | |
310 | Sagartia | pallida | Gosse | 97 | OK | |
311 | Phellia | gausepata | G. | 77 | OK | |
312 | Sagartia | venusta | Gosse | 105 | OK | |
313 | Sagartia | sphyrodita | Gosse | 101 | OK | |
314 | Peachia | undata | Gosse | 75 | OK | |
315 | Nemactis | primula | Drayton | 68 | OK | |
316 | Paractis | olivacea | Ehrenberg | 72 | OK | |
317 | Phellia | murocincta | G. | 78 | OK | |
318 | Caryophillia | Smithii | G. | 123 | v. castanea | |
319 | Actinia | diaphana | Rapp | 24 | OK | |
320 | Tealia | gemma | Drayton | 112 | OK | |
321 | Actinia | Contarinii | Heller | 26 | OK | |
322 | Limmoaeus | auricularius | Draparnaud | 504 | mmo | |
323 | Sympodium | coeruleum | Ehrenberg | 14 | OK | |
324 | Brachiomma | vesiculosum | Mont. | 333 | Bra | |
325 | Chirodota | discolor | Eschscholz | 264 | OK | |
326 | Hesione | Schmardae | Quatrefg. | 335 | OK | |
327 | Lomanotus | marmoratus | Alder & Hancock | 459 | OK | |
328 | Pleurophyllidia | pallida | Bergh | 498 | OK | |
329 | Holothuria | tubulosa | (Anatomy) | 275 | lot | |
330 | Loligopsis | vermicularis | Ruppell | 565 | OK | |
331 | Vaginulus | Moreleti | Fischer & Crosse | 542 | let | |
332 | Sternaspis | scutata | Malagren | 347 | lag | |
333 | Parmacella | Valenciennii | M. T. | 536 | OK | |
334 | Syncoryne | frutescens | Allman | 183 | OK | |
335 | Aurelia | aurita | Development | 225 | OK | |
336 | Physophora | magnifica | Development | 214 | OK | |
337 | Garveia | nutans | Strethill Wright | 152 | arv | |
338 | Actinoloba | Achates | Drayton | 32 | OK | |
339 | Balanophyllia | italica | Michelin | 120 | OK | |
340 | Tiedemannia | neapolitana | Development | 360 | OK | |
341 | Synapta | oceanica | Lesson | 289 | OK | |
342 | Limax | cinctus | O.F. Müller | 531 | Mu | |
343 | Acolis | gymnota | Couthouy | 367 | mno | |
344 | Janus | sanguineus | Angas | 456 | OK | |
345 | Parmarion | pupillaris | Humbert | 537 | OK | |
346 | Phyllobranchus | orientalis | Kelaart | 464 | OK | |
347 | Serpula | contortuplicata | L. | 343 | OK | |
348 | Montaguia | picta | Alder & Hancock | 463 | OK | |
349 | Clytia | poterium | Agassiz | 144 | OK | |
350 | Rossia | dispar | Rüppell | 587 | OK | |
351 | Doris | formosa | Alder & Hancock | 415 | OK | |
352 | Dendronotus | arborescens | 396 | v. brunneus | ||
353 | Kophobelemnon | stelliferum | O.F. Müller | 7 | Mu | |
354 | Actinodoris | australia | Angas | 361 | OK | |
355 | Polycera | Lessonii | D. Orbigny | 471 | OK | |
356 | Goniodoris | modesta | Alder & Hancock | 454 | OK | |
357 | Vaginulus | occidentalis | Guilding | 543 | OK | |
358 | Sagartia | impatiens | Drayton | 91 | OK | |
359 | Evactis | artemisia | Drayton | 61 | OK | |
360 | Anthea | Cereus | Johnston | 35 | ama | v. amaragdina |
361 | Corynactis | quadricolor | Lauck & Rupp | 56 | OK | |
362 | Phymactis | pustulata | Couthouy | 83 | OK | |
363 | Clionopsis | Krohnii | Troschel | 353 | OK | |
364 | Phymanthus | Ioligo | Ehrenberg | 85 | OK | |
365 | Actinoloba | Paumotensis | Couthouy | 30 | OK | |
366 | Paractis | adhaerens | Ehrenberg | 70 | OK | |
367 | Actineria | Hemprichi | Ehrenberg | 20 | OK | |
368 | Edwardsia | vestita | Forbes | 60 | OK | |
369 | corianthus | Lloydii | Gosse | 53 | OK | |
370 | Doris | fragilis | Alder & Hancock | 416 | OK | |
371 | Kalinga | ornata | Alder & Hancock | 457 | OK | |
372 | Sympodium | purpurascens | Ehrenberg | 15 | OK | |
373 | Corallium | rubrum | Lamarck | 5 | OK | |
374 | Gleucus | Iincatus | Reinhardt | 449 | OK | |
375 | Chromodoris | Tryonii | Garrett | 389 | OK | |
376 | Doriopsis | rubra | Kelaart | 401 | OK | |
377 | Clio | borealis | Pallas | 352 | OK | |
378 | Doris | debllis | Pease | 410 | bll | |
379 | Eunice | norvegiea | L. | 334 | OK | |
380 | Doris | repanda | Alder & Hancock | 426 | OK | |
381 | Hydractinia | echinata | Fleming | 156 | OK | |
382 | Pennatula | phosphorea | Ellis | 9 | OK | |
383 | Daudebardia | rufa | Draparnaud | 519 | OK | |
384 | Chromordoris | maculosa | Pease | 385 | OK | |
385 | Limax | maximus | L. | 534 | OK | |
386 | Thysanozoon | ovale | Schmarda | 321 | ale | |
387 | Acolis | exigua | Alder & Hancock | 365 | OK | |
388 | Stiliger | ornatus | Ehrenberg | 481 | OK | |
389 | Limnacus | stagnalis | O.F. Müller | 505 | Mu | |
390 | Plocamophorus | ceylonicus | Kelaart | 466 | OK | |
391 | Edwardsia | carnea | Gosse | 59 | OK | |
392 | Ancula | cristata | Loven | 372 | OK | |
393 | Triopa | gracilis | Pease | 487 | OK | |
394 | Limax | corsicus | M.T. | 532 | OK | |
395 | Chromodoris | Llentiginosa | Pease | 383 | OK | |
396 | Chromodoris | Bennetti | Angas | 380 | OK | |
397 | Chromodoris | festiva | Angas | 382 | OK | |
398 | Elysia | chlorotica | Agassiz | 432 | OK | |
399 | Thysanozoon | Brocchii | Risso | 319 | OK | |
400 | Goniodoris | verrucosa | Crosse | 455 | OK | |
401 | Arion | empiricorum | M T. | 512 | v. marginatus | |
402 | Chromodiris | Crossei | Angas | 381 | OK | |
403 | Amalia | marginata | Draparnaud | 508 | OK | |
404 | Trevelyana | nigerrima | Bergh | 484 | OK |