Webography for the Blaschka Marine Invertebrates
Ocean Realm magazine: The Blaschka Octopus at Cornell University Summer 2001 cover photograph by William Warmus
Additional Sources for the Blaschka Marine Invertebrates by William Warmus Note: The web sources below include links to the appropriate domains. Please let us know if the links are broken at www.pontus.org. Blaschka Models in Belgium: Le Musée de Zoologie de l'Université de Liège At: http://www.ulg.ac.be/museezoo/ Modèles en verre des Blaschka A Glass Menagerie: The Glass Marine Animals At: http://www.glassline.net/guests/access/v11n3/blaschka.html "The glass animals have faded into the background of historical memory, but they are now enjoying a renaissance. Packed away in crates at Corning Glass Center, the creatures have not been available for public viewing except for a handful displayed in a small pseudo-aquarium in the Corning Glass Center. Cornell is now in the process of raising the funds for bringing parts of the collection back to the university for display and for teaching purposes. The process involves repair and restoration and may take several years to accomplish. Yet the process is in motion, and in time the Blaschka's handiwork will be presented to the world once again." The Glass Animals in Harvard Magazine, 1997 "Almost no one sees the glass menagerie given
crystalline life by the Blaschkas--the jellyfish, sea cucumbers, octupuses,
squids. The museum has about 360 Blaschka models of marine invertebrates,
the second largest collection in the world, acquired through H.A. Ward's
Natural Science Establishment in Rochester, New York, in the late 1870s
for prices starting at 40 cents per model. The form and color of
soft-bodied creatures could not then be preserved after death, and so the
Blaschkas' creations, anatomically accurate and most lifelike, were
valuable teaching aids. That they were also works of art may not have been
fully appreciated at the time.
Blaschkas and other artworks at the Monterey Bay Aquarium, Autumn 2001 Link: http://www.mbayaq.org/aa/aa_pressroom/content/media/mbaq-02-jellies_installation.pdf "Do artwork and water mix? They do when they're part of "Jellies: Living Art," a new special exhibition at Monterey Bay Aquarium. Integrating live displays of exotic and domestic jellies with works of art in a variety of media is a first for the aquarium. So are some of the challenges faced in creating an exhibit that serves the needs both of animals and art. "Each special exhibition is distinctive," said Exhibit Production Manager Karen Deaton. "But this one has taken us to another level. It's been very different-and very fun-to work on. "One of the first challenges her team faced was working with the artists and their particular needs. Dale Chihuly's installation is made of expensive and fragile glass. Cork Marcheschi's installation is also made of glass, but each piece also contains neon, xenon, argonor krypton gas-and the public can touch them. Lanny Bergner's metal and wire sculpture must be hung from the ceiling-but how?" Some of these pieces will be out in the open, so there's a little more of a risk," Deaton said. "But we're going on the assumption that our visitors, who are not usually destructive, willrespect the artwork."Then there's all that saltwater-nearly 9,000 gallons of it-in the live exhibits. The artwork, however, will be kept a comfortable distance from those exhibits, Deaton said. The closest the two elements get are with a lithograph by David Hockey and an oil painting by Pegan Brooke, which will be hung outside the 5,000-gallon moon jelly swarm exhibit.
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